I know, this has absolutely nothing to do with the Phoenix real estate market but it's my blog and I want to talk about dogs today.
Unlike my dogs, I have that whole opposable thumbs thing going which means they have always depended on me for some basic hygiene assistance. I'll be honest, I firmly believe the dogs wager on how much they can make me look like a total idiot when I try to brush their teeth or clean their ears. Let's not even discuss trimming their nails.
Chuck (the Wiener) was pretty good about the whole grooming thing. He would put up a small fight with teeth and ears but as least he would let me do it. When Jackson (the Boxer) entered the picture, he decided it would be a lot more fun to see how much toothpaste could end up on me rather then on his teeth. Ear cleaning is out of the question and I have had 2 groomers refuse to ever do his nails again. Jackson is a true Boxer at heart and has no problem demonstrating his boxing ability when confronted with nail clippers.
All I have to do is open the drawer containing the nail clippers and toothbrush and it sends Jack in a complete frenzy. He runs around the house, jumps on the furniture, plays keep away all the while quietly laughing at my idiotic behavior while I chase him around the sofa. The general calamity causes Chuck to make a howling noise reminiscent of an Otter being crushed by a Grizzly Bear.
My desire to regain some dignity in front of my dogs has sent me on an exhaustive search for doggie dental products. Greenies were out of the question after reading about the dogs that died after using them. Both the traditional toothbrush and the rubber finger-tip brush proved to be more painful then useful. Yes, I could take them in for a proper cleaning from the vet but I was looking for daily or at least weekly care.
I found it. Yee-haw. So I’m taking time away from my chosen career to tell you about the Easy Brush. There are 2 sizes the Large Dog Toothbrush
It is awesome. It looks like a dog bone with a bristle end. Jack and Chuck fight over it. They behave as though I gave them a t-bone steak. Absolutely amazing. I don’t know if it is the way the toothpaste tastes or what, but they love it. Just give it to your dog for about 2 minutes every other day and they brush their own teeth. Very cool. One caveat; the first few times both dogs had bleeding gums. The package instructions warn of this and tell you to keep a close eye on the pup when he is chewing.
The worst part of the toothbrush is trying to get it away from the dogs at the end of the 2 minute brushing. Both Chuck and Jack grab the bone and let me chase them around the house. Possibly this is their way of ensuring I still lose my dignity when taking care of doggie hygiene.
I’ve dedicated a section of my website to pets. Check it out. I have tips for moving and reducing the stress on your pet. There is also a section where you can submit a picture of your pet to be posted on my site. I also post sale and discount offers from major retailers so you can keep up with the latest pet trends.
If you would like to see your pet online, email me or visit my website http://www.AZHomeBuyerHelp.com for more information.